Temple University

Philadelphia, PA

Score: 318/1400
Undergraduate students
Retention rate
Annual tuition
Diversity Index
Data submitted by: Anonymous (2x)
Large Campus
Large Campus
Public University
Urban Campus
Urban Campus
Four-Year College
Four-Year College
Northeast Region
(Neo)Liberal Campus
(Neo)Liberal Campus
Sports Culture
Sports Culture
Noisy Campus
Noisy Campus
Graduate Students Unionized
Graduate Students Unionized


In 2019, The Washington Post reported that Temple University is one of a handful of universities that has partnered with the surveillance startup, SpotterEDU, to use the campus WiFi network to track students' movements on campus and their classroom attendance through their smartphones.

Are all campus buildings physically accessible to students who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids?


"Chaves [a sophomore music education major — who uses different mobility devices like crutches, a walker and a wheelchair] has faced issues with elevators, handicap door push buttons not working, and restrooms and classrooms not being fully accessible" (The Temple News).

Are class session recordings readily available for lecture courses?


A student tells us that the Fox School of Business is the only school at Temple that routinely offers classroom recordings.

Are students required to provide documentation of disability to qualify for receiving initial accommodations?



Is there required diversity and inclusivity training for faculty/staff/and students, and does training include recognition of neurodivergence and disability?


However, an autistic student tells us that they don't believe the faculty training is helping. "I've definitely had my share of professors who... don't seem to understand that one can be smart and bad at school like myself and many other autistic individuals."

What types of student-run peer support groups exist on campus?

Disability Cultural Center


Mutual Aid Networks


Peer Support Groups




Have you experienced ableism, discrimination, or witnessed stigmatizing language?


Are police involved in responding to student mental health crises?


Editor's note: Please read about one Temple University student's experience on our Stories page.

Does your college have a Student of Concern reporting page?

Yes (Without anonymous reporting)


Clery Report data: Number of sexual assaults reported on campus per thousand students.


*2021 data

Has the college published an official statement in support of racial justice movements?
Black Lives Matter Logo

Support for Black Lives Matter


Support for Land Back


The Vice President for Student Affairs issued a statement in support of Black Lives Matter. 

Does your college offer a Disability Studies curriculum?


The English Department offers a course on "Disability and Literature" (ENG 2116). The College of Education and Human Development offers a Disability Studies Graduate Certificate. They also offer an Applied Behavior Analysis Undergraduate Certificate, unfortunately.

Does your college offer a course on Critical Theory?


Does the college engage in morally questionable research?

Animal Experimentation


Cure Autism




In 2022, Temple's School of Social Work received a $1 million donation from Christopher M. Barnett, CEO of ABA Centers of America, to open an autism lab and increase access to ABA Centers of America's applied behavioral analysis (ABA) services.

NAGPRA: Temple University still holds the remains of 116 Native Americans.

Surveillance: Temple University uses SpotterEDU to track students' movements on campus.

Submitted by:

He said he squandered several of his early lectures trying to convince the app he was present, toggling his settings in desperation as professors needled him to put the phone away. He then had to defend himself to campus staff members, who believed the data more than him.

His teammates, he said, have suffered through their own technical headaches, but they’ve all been told they’ll get in trouble if they delete the app from their phones.

“We can face repercussions with our coaches and academic advisers if we don’t show 100 percent attendance,” he said. But “it takes away from my learning because I’m literally freaking out, tapping everything to try to get it to work.”
