University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA

Score: 324/1400
Undergraduate students
Retention rate
Annual tuition
Diversity Index
Data submitted by: Teamsun, Kitty, car32
Medium Campus
Medium Campus
Private University
Urban Campus
Urban Campus
Four-Year College
Four-Year College
Northeast Region
(Neo)Liberal Campus
(Neo)Liberal Campus
Sports Culture
Sports Culture
Noisy Campus
Noisy Campus
Graduate Students Not Unionized
Graduate Students Not Unionized


A student says, "I have had many adverse experiences at my college, most are felt by many other Neurodivergent and/or Disabled students. The programs meant to help us are underfunded and understaffed. Many buildings are very old and thus, not up to ADA standards. The culture within the school is partly manufactured by many of the professors (particularly outside of the humanities) with a 'sink-or-swim' mentality where if you need help for any reason, that's a sign of weakness. The word at UPenn for trying to pretend like everything's fine when you're deeply struggling is 'Penn Face' and implies that everyone is deeply struggling but must pretend like they're alright. There are some good things at the school, but this isn't the question box for that. Overall, the culture is incredibly intense and the physical layout and neurotypical structure of campus and classes do not help."

Another student tells us, "I am disabled and diagnosed as such. I have a chronic illness that makes it hard for me to focus. The university's student disability services decided that I don't need to have a calculator with me for exams. Some students are left without a note taker if no one in their seminar class chooses to be a note taker. I can't blame them; it's only $8 an hour. What we need is for professors to send us detailed slides or a recording. None of the frat houses on Locust (center of campus) are accessible. Does UPenn think no disabled student would want to be in a frat? Do they think disabled students can't be frat members?"

The University of Pennsylvania is a partner of the Philadelphia Police Foundation. Up until her retirement in 2021, UPenn's Vice President for Public Safety, Maureen Rush, served as the President of the Philadelphia Police Foundation.

Are all campus buildings physically accessible to students who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids?


Are class session recordings readily available for lecture courses?


Are students required to provide documentation of disability to qualify for receiving initial accommodations?


Is there required diversity and inclusivity training for faculty/staff/and students, and does training include recognition of neurodivergence and disability?


What types of student-run peer support groups exist on campus?

Disability Cultural Center


Mutual Aid Networks


Peer Support Groups




Peer support: A student says, "This is the facebook group, but we are more active in personal groupmes/groupchats (which I cannot share for privacy reasons). We are currently working on campaigning for a cultural center, but the process is slow going."

Peer support: Project LETS Chapter at UPenn

Another student says, "We have a Disability Advocacy group, but they don't do much. They didn't have a single event last semester or this semester. There are students working to create a new student-led group for disabled students. We also have a support group for chronically ill students through counseling and psychological services."

Have you experienced ableism, discrimination, or witnessed stigmatizing language?


A student tells us, "There are multiple classes at Penn that people take that involve stigmatizing language and multiple professors who hold very stigmatizing beliefs on neurodiversity and disability. The university once was partnered with Autism Speaks (a hate group) and has since cut ties, but has not changed its beliefs."

Another student says, "My writing seminar professor didn't think I'd need to use my SDS approved accommodations 'because I was smart.' She said that to my face. She didn't want to let me write a paper about disability and ableism."

Are police involved in responding to student mental health crises?


Does your college have a Student of Concern reporting page?


Clery Report data: Number of sexual assaults reported on campus per thousand students.


*2021 data

Has the college published an official statement in support of racial justice movements?

Support for Black Lives Matter


Support for Land Back


A student says, "It looks like the official university has not made a statement, but instead individual departments made statements in support. It appears as if the university as a whole entity does not make statements on any movements whatsoever. The university is also aware of movements like Police Free Penn, and does not interact or hear demands."

Does your college offer a Disability Studies curriculum?


A student says "There is no disability studies program at Penn, but there is a Health and Disability concentration within the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies major. But that means you have to take that major and add a concentration to interact with this."

Does your college offer a course on Critical Theory?


Does the college engage in morally questionable research?

Animal Experimentation


Cure Autism




NAGPRA: UPenn still holds the remains of 404 Native Americans.

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Students have expressed concern over allegations of discrimination within a master's program at the Perelman School of Medicine after the discovery of emails from administrators discussing underrepresented minority students.


Multiple students who spoke with the DP expressed frustration with the investigation’s process and results. They contended that several scheduled town hall meetings for students to gain updates on the evaluation and to air grievances were abruptly canceled or held without advanced notice or remote options.

The students contended that — at one town hall meeting moderated by Meagher — she was “defensive,” deflected students’ questions, and interrupted students who raised their concerns. They also argued that Meagher focused more on the email’s intent and the reputational damage to Groeneveld rather than the impact on the wellbeing of URM students — which many students found upsetting.


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Wax's statements have included claiming that Black students never graduate at the top of the Penn Carey Law class and that “non-Western groups” are resentful towards "Western people." Among other allegations, Wax has also faced criticism for hosting white nationalist Jared Taylor for a guest lecture and allegedly telling a Penn Carey Law student that she was only accepted into the Ivy League "because of affirmative action."


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In 2009, Ploeger received counseling from Alexander, who began his role as director of CAPS that year and retired in 2018. She alleged that during these counseling sessions, Alexander made inappropriate sexual advances, touching her at least once without consent. These advances led Ploeger to attempt suicide in 2009, after which Alexander allegedly told her to “go home and put a Band-Aid on it," according to her complaint.

Ploeger attempted suicide again in 2015 by overdosing on medication prescribed to her by Alexander. He allegedly wrote her another prescription following this attempt but did not direct her to further mental health treatment.

Ploeger reported the alleged misconduct to Alexander’s supervisor and then-Penn President Amy Gutmann in 2015. Alexander allegedly threatened her in response to these reports.
